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June 22, 2006

The Art of the Start Video


An honest speaker will tell you that she has “on” days and “off” days. The result of a truly “on” day is a standing ovation. I had a very “on” day at TiECon on May 13, 2006. This is the annual meeting of The Indus Entrepreneur organization.

I’ve provided postings of audio and video of my speeches that covered the topics of innovation and evangelism, but this is the first one of “The Art of the Start.” It’s the first one, frankly, because I’ve been waiting until I did it very—standing ovation—well.


Here are the PowerPoint slides that I was using that day. By the way, I am wearing an Anne Namba vest in this video. This is the company that makes the world’s most expensive Aloha shirts.

Here is the video in MP4 format in case you can’t use Google Video.


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Amazing stuff Guy.

Guy, you just made my day!
I came home late worn out from a long typical day, watched your sppech, giggled, and finally stood up clapping loud with full of admire. Yes, in my home in front the computer. ;D Your speech was just great enough to wake my wife and daughter up in the middle of night even at the other side of the earth(Korea)! ;D Even though I could understand your speech around 95% only as a foreigner and so would my employees, I would definitely play this again for my co-workers. ^^ Thank you!!!

Hi,Ladys and Gentlemen! Here i want to say thank you for www.cycbiz.com.On the help of this website i received many orders from USA.Thanks again.

I was googling "video presentations" in hopes of finding some information that would help me to freshen my presentations in worship. The search engine gave me your blog and suddenly a light came on. A few months back while reading Entrepreneur magazine, there was a section featuring YOU talking about start-ups and related venture capital issues. You were brutal, blunt and I now think: dead on point. That article stayed with me. It may seem strange that a churchmen would be interested in entrepreneurial subject matter, but I have an entrepreneurial and evangelical soul (and by the latter I don't mean the denomination! lol). My church is a start-up to which I am attempting to apply solid yet "fluid" business practices and principles; especially as it regards reaching the current generation and young people. Some "experts" are saying that powerpoint presentations are dying a slow death in terms of general business, and in this case,the church's use of the same with the younger generation. Even the older folk are supposedly less attuned to powerpoint (if they ever were!). I'm wondering how the principles you espouse can freshen/empower my presentations through the use of technology, 2. how can i identify the type of and best equipment suited for presentation, 3. how can I make my "product", which is the bible and other Christian related principles more "attractive" across the generational sphere thereby activating and maintaining growth in the ministry over the long term? Tall order, I know. Indeed, this may be out of your domain, but I can clearly see the value of and the ability to apply your "methods of evangelism" to new church start-ups because, like it or not, they are indeed businesses. Finally, I'm a WINDOWS guy greatly interesed in the Apple/MacIntosh platform. Perhaps, you or someone reading this blog can tell me how I can be "SAVED", (lol). All I can say re: ART OF THE START video is: WOW! and thanks

Blogs are mean to give you somethingworthy and practical,wholesomewords,beneficial ideas and successfull tricks and tactics,i think i have with quite much things while reading this one.

mostly time I found blog but I naver gain lots of information but this blog have lots of important information abt this and I got lots of imformation on it . Thanks http://sdating.net

definately a Great presentation

very well done - both in content and style..

Keep it up


hey man you speak so well.. Hats off to you.

Its just the best speech on entrepreneurship i have ever heard.

Very intresting book. Thank you for you book. Good luck.

I found the philosophy of success he suggests to resonate with how things really should be done.

thanks so much. this speech is exactly what I needed to see, at just the right moment.

great speech!!!

Thanks! Just fixed the link.

Fabulous. Were you even conscious or were you having that Matrix moment? Great Job.


Thank you. Just what I needed to hear. I'll test your points and let you know how it goes.

Great presentation, they should have given you an hour!


well i think it's important movie and explanations for doing an interesting and exciting movie.


(a reporter)

Hey Guy

re: your video: art of the start..

a quick note to say how much i benefited by watching this video..its worth watching a couple of hundred times..and i intend to do so..only prob i am unable to download the video...

possible to send it by email??

cheers mahesh

hey guy,you r a great speaker and inspirer.You have great contribution in changing someone life who hears you ,so i solute u.

Guy, I've got it. The next worlds leading company. Thanks for some inspiration. Im going to change the world!

Guy, this is my 10th year running my internet startup and i still find your 10 points relevant, insightful and motivational. I'm working on brand identity, brand promise etc and launching a new business - this is great stuff. Just what the doctor ordered. Thanks!!

You're a great speaker.

Guy (standing ovation) can I say more?

Ahhhh "Providing Flood Protection"

Great montra huh

From a fellow ice hocky nut from the sacramento area Redwood City Rink was a great place to play when I was a kid to bad you guys always beat us.

Greg P.

This is now mandatory viewing for my executive team. Damm that was good.


I just found one more very good addition to your "Art of the Start" "bozacity" list :-)

"Everything that can be invented has been invented"
Charles H. Duell, U.S. Commissioner of Patents, said in 1899

Cna you be more "bozo" than this guy?


One thing which was stand out in your presentation. U walk across the bridge and be on the same side in first 60 sec. That is great. Very practical and thought provoking. Disruptive at times. But the message is clear.

Good stuff.

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